Sunday, April 24, 2016

GO YARD CLASSIC 4/23-24/2016

Shout out to Vaughn who went YARD in the Go Yard Classic!!!

Game 1 VS Hill Country
Lost 7-4  A 4th inning 4 run rally was not enough to get us over the hill.
William played 3rd and Right Field, batted 0-1  with a strike out and a walk, scored 1 run.

Game 2 VS Eagle Pass Broncos
Win 5-3
William played 3rd and pitched 2 innings, batted 1-2 with a single to center, a ground out to the pitcher and scored 1 run.

Game 1 VS Mudcats
Lost 4-3
We were tied when time expired and had to finish with a Texas Tie Breaker; bases loaded and 1 out.
William played catcher and went 1-2 with a single over 3 bases head and a ground out to 3rd.

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