Monday, September 21, 2015

Fall Ball Begins

After a nice break, baseball is back!  The fall season kicked off this past weekend and it was great to be back in my happy place.

Game 1 Vs. LineDrive
Lost 5-1
William went 1 for 2 with a nice single to right.  Played right and pitched.

Game 2 Vs. Braves
Tied 7-7
William went 1 for 1 with a walk.  Played 3rd.

Game 1 Vs. Braves
Win 8-6
William went 1 for 1 with a walk.  Played 3 and pitched.

Game 2 Vs. Young Gloves
Lost 13-4
William went 0 for 1 with a walk.  Played third and left.

Lets not forget the birthday boy.....

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