Monday, April 13, 2015

Civil War 04/11-12/2015

There is nothing civil about war!

Game 1 VS. Tejanos
Lost 4-3

A little background on William vs. the Tejanos; William has played on 2 select teams here in Texas and not once has he been able to beat the Tejanos.  At this point I am starting to think it is a mental issue with our boys. 

Errors, injuries and bad calls really beat us this game.  William took a spill at 1st, Bryan took a tumble at 2nd and Antonio took a hard fast ball to the hip while warming up a pitcher.  William and Bryan took a moment to walk it off, Antonio took a ride to the ER.  We played the final inning a man short but by the end our various errors, painful bruises and blind blues had stolen our spirit.

(Stopped to see Antonio on the way home; he is okay, nothing broken or fractured, just bruised in a very uncomfortable spot.)

William played 3rd and went 1 for 2 at the plate.

William doing the stop, drop and roll at 1st.

Game 2 VS. Storm Grey
Win 12-2
Nuff Said!
William played 3rd and went 1 for 3 at the plate with 2 walks.

I have decided that since baseball is a team sport I should give some regular shoutouts!  Here is Colton who plays for our 10u team. Once Antonio left for the hospital his mom ran home to grab a uniform so he could help us out in our second game.  He was out but it was still great contact.

Our Sunday seed had us leaving the house at 630am to face the dang Tejanos, again.
 Lost 5-2

William played 3 and went 0 for 3 at the plate.

Back at it next week.

"Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is."Bob Feller

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