Monday, May 4, 2015

Mom is Not a Game Changer

Yes, its true, I am "that mom". I find great joy in sitting at the fence with my score book on my lap and pencil in hand.  Am I good at keeping score? Not really, just ask our coaches.  I have given them the wrong count, wrong number of outs and once in a while I say What?! someone scored on that last play?   Hopefully, if you did ask them it would not be that bad.  :)

I see all of you looking at me like I am in the stone ages, sitting there with my score book, yes an actual book and my pencil.  Truth be told, I tried the IPad with the Game Changer App that so many of you have recommended but I still love my paper and pencil.   I enjoy writing the backwards K especially when its my son on the mound. I like to make little notes about my kid in the margins, I like knowing that I am compiling a stack of these books that will always remind me of the hours that I was blessed to be able to sit at the field and watch William play.

Not once has my book over heated in the Texas summer nor has my battery ever died.  Worst case scenario, my pencil brakes and I have to get out my trusty sharper.  So, you continue on with your Game Changer and when you have technical difficulties please feel free to wonder and ask me for the score.  Hopefully it will be close to correct.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Texas Select Tournaments Austin Regional 5/2-3/2015

The road to Florida begins now, increasing the competition level this weekend by playing in the 12U bracket.

Go to work, boys!

Game 1 VS. Slam
Win 3-2
William went 0 for 1 with 2 walks and a ground out.  Played pitcher and right.  Did good on the mound and made some routine plays in the outfield.

Game 2 VS. Warhawks
Win 10-1
William went 1 for 2 with 1 walk.  Played 3rd.

Two wins on Saturday gave us the top seed for Sunday.

VS. Action White
Lost 9-1
William went 1-2 with a ground out and a double to the left field fence.  He played 3rd and was brought in to pitch in the 2nd inning.

Me:  "William, what should I say about today?"
William:  "We got our butts kicked!"

Me: "Jeff, what should I say about today?"
Jeff: "About today, that was the ETrain breakdown."

We really should not brag too much about our kids but since this is my blog... William did really well today and I am very proud of him.  In the first inning our boys made too many errors to count and allowed 6 runs.  If you know our boys, you know they are a bunch of pouters!  William kept his emotions in check today, hit the mound when we were down by 6 and really did his job.